I want to share here a post I published in April of 2021 on Instagram. It’s so relevant to transitions in life that I wanted to repost it here and continue with part 2. Thank you for reading!
Last week I shared with you that my life is going through very important changes. Having Pluto in Conjunction with my Ascendant ( a once in a lifetime event) is demanding change, urging me to a profound transformation, to reinvent myself. This phase in my journey is shaking me from my roots and is asking me to shift, give freedom to the parts of my soul that are asking to emerge, but for that, I first need to let the old burn. I need to create the space so the new can grow and sprout. I want to.
A couple of months ago I decided that to support my kids in their own evolution and expansion, moving out of Québec to Ontario would be a great option. So after a lot of thinking, meditating and checking in with my soul, I decided to put the house in the market. Yet, it hasn’t worked out the way I hoped for. The first offer fell after the potential buyers where requesting more renovations receipts than I had (Hey, single mom here! Doing my best! ;)). Second buyer, after the fourteen conditional days was requesting extra time, which I felt wasn’t aligned with my needs. We’re now on a third offer.
This entire process, like I said, is shaking me from the inside. Driving me to ask myself, mostly two questions:
What is meant for me?
How do I feel?
Which takes me further in this story I’m sharing. You know how much I love cards, right? Tarot, Oracle, and other tools that help me connect to my intuition and to Spirit Guidance. By having a lot of emotions mixing up in my heart (hope, fear, joy, sadness), I was called to take some me time and go to my personal hideout to Re-Connect. From “Mystical Shaman Oracle” I pull out a card:
The Holy Mountain, that invited me to go on a sacred journey to acquire vision and perspective, to accept the present situation as an opportunity to discover higher understanding, to walk with courage, love and compassion until you see with clarity the perfection of all. It also asked me to not let my doubts deter me and keep me bound. To leap over challenges and to remember that from the top of the mountain there are no obstacles, only beauty and an obstructed view of the entire Earth.
“This is beautiful” I whispered almost in tears. This message is utterly real to me and exactly what I needed.
What if I climb that mountain? What would I see? What am I meant to envision from the top? How would I feel?
This is not the end of my story. I’ll get back to you with Part 2. I’ll tell you about my climb to the Holy Mountain and why I saw.
Remember you’re MAGIC!