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About Me

Who am I, and How can I help you.
I’m Laura Tio, a cosmic explorer blending entrepreneurial prowess with a celestial and soul-full touch. Picture this: Sun and Moon in Scorpio, Rising sign in Aquarius—a cosmic cocktail that gifted me intuition and empathy. Yet, this gift felt like a double-edged sword, a dance between logic and intuition that left me feeling isolated.

But, through the dance of time, I learned to harmonize these seemingly conflicting forces. My journey, from medicine to the corporate world, unveiled a calling—to merge knowledge and experience to empower others. Today, as an intuitive coach, astrology consultant, and energy healer, I champion the potential within each soul to shape lives authentically.

My journey has unraveled the profound connections between body, mind, and spirit. I’ve cultivated the ability to delve into emotions, connecting with souls on a profound level. The essence of my approach lies in transformative results—changing perceptions, discovering soul purpose, healing, and inspiring actions.

Enter my nurturing space, where authenticity reigns, masks dissolve, and judgment is absent. I see the magic in you and am here to guide your growth and healing.

Since 2018, I’ve been devoted to helping expansive women evolve and manifest. Using tools like soul realignment® akashic records, astrology, reiki, intuitive life coaching, thetahealing®, tarot, and meditation, I aim to facilitate deep healing and clarity.

In our sacred sessions, I nurture your soul, empowering you to align with purpose, heal wounds, and manifest a life true to your essence.

My credentials? Extensive—from International Relations and Medicine School to Reiki, life coaching, meditation, and expertise in shamanic and soul-realignment practices. Currently, I’m pursuing a Shamanic Astrology Certification at Mujer Lunar, fueled by a passion for guiding others.

I am Laura Tio, here to illuminate your path to self-discovery and empowerment. With me, unlock your pure magic and let’s create a world where authenticity reigns. Ready for this transformative journey? Let’s take the first step together.

Book your Soul Alignment Call!

With this complementary 45 mins call, we’ll meet to discuss your needs and concerns. We’ll assess how I can help and support you and if we’re a good fit to work together. You’ll leave the meeting with a lot of clarity and certainty of your options. No obligation.
Get a Free Soul Alignment!
Laura Tio sitting on a desk smiling