What are the dialogues between the planets? What does their cosmic dance tell us?
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Lunar Wisdom
Hello, Cosmic Soul! As we embark on this week’s celestial journey, we start with a Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries. This moon phase is all about initiation, starting something new, and taking action. When the Moon is in a Fire Sign like Aries, you might feel a surge of restless energy and a strong urge to get things moving. This is a time to channel that fiery enthusiasm into productive outlets. Whether it’s diving into a new project, engaging in a vigorous workout, or tackling tasks that require a burst of energy, the key is to stay active and avoid stagnation. Embrace activities that ignite your passion and keep you physically and mentally engaged.
As the Moon continues to grow, it will move through the zodiac wheel towards a New Moon in Gemini on June 6th. This lunar energy is perfect for planting the seeds of our intentions, generating ideas, starting new intellectual pursuits, learning, communicating, and writing. But this new moon in Gemini is not coming alone.
Big Stellium in Gemini
Because we’re also in Gemini season, with the Sun in Gemini, we may feel we have all the gasoline necessary to generate new ideas, new projects, and communicate effectively. The Moon and the Sun are not alone in this Air sign; they’re joined by Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter, forming a big Stellium. This means that this New Moon is potentialized with expansion, awareness, art, beauty, abundance, and intellect.
This combination suggests that opportunities are likely to come your way now. If you have been aiming towards achieving a certain goal, the path is likely to smooth out right now. You are likely to have plenty of energy, favoring both your private and professional affairs. You may even receive praise and appreciation at home and work.
To make the most of this time:
- Keep a positive outlook: Ensure that your feelings are harmonious with your intentions.
- Surround yourself with positive people: Only take part in events that uplift your spirits.
- Focus on stability and harmony: Enjoy the peace on your own or take a more public role.
- Embrace learning: With all this Gemini energy is an excellent time for learning new things, either through study or on the job.
- Share your knowledge: If you have plenty of experience in your field, teach others the tricks of the trade.

Transits Chart for the week of June 2nd to the 8th 2024
Other Cosmic Dialogues
Saturn Squaring Venus, the Sun, and the Moon: Saturn is giving a comitted twist to relationships becoming a serious business for you right now. You may ponder your options and either make or break a commitment. Don’t hesitate taking a pause in your social calendar to help you reassess your friendships and more serious relationships. This brief period also gives you a chance to make some decisions regarding your finances. Plan carefully before spending any money, and when making a commitment to another person.
To navigate this period:
- Face facts: Reflect realistically, not pessimistically, on the truth.
- Take a practical approach: Steady accomplishment is the way to go. Patiently tackle any obstacles and make those tough decisions.
Pluto Trine Jupiter: You might be trying to strike the right balance between confidence and persistence which are both required to propel you towards your goals in life. You are feeling more confident and feel powerful and in control of your life, and others start to notice. Therefore, you may find that career promotion and recognition play a prominent role right now.
To make the most of this time:
- Seize opportunities: Make the most of any opportunities for advancement that come your way, as your judgement should be sound.
Chiron Semisquare Mercury: Your imagination is currently very active, right? Your subconscious mind is urging you to remember the wounds from past so that you can change your daily habits of the present. Therefore, memories and dreams are strong right now.
To navigate this period:
- Forgive and forget: If you have been holding grudges, it’s time to let go. This does not mean exposing yourself to further hurtful words or actions but rather accepting aspects of your life and adopting healthy and self-supporting attitudes.
Soul-Full Business Alignment
- Embrace expansion and transformation: With Jupiter trine Pluto, there is an energy of growth, opportunity, and profound change. Allow yourself to open up to the transformations calling your name and have faith in your ability to rise to new levels.
- Activate your mind: As Mercury enters Gemini, it’s a powerful time to engage your curiosity, communicate openly, and let your mind explore new ideas and perspectives. Be a perpetual learner.
- Renew your values: The Venus cazimi on June 4th is an opportunity to realign with what you truly value – love, beauty, harmony, creativity. Reflect on what brings you pleasure and joy.
- Set fresh intentions: The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th marks a fertile time to plant the seeds of your intentions, especially those related to communication, learning, and an open mindset. What new narratives do you wish to create?
- Embrace the dance: This week’s cosmic choreography invites you to move fluidly between the realms of thought, emotion, values, and aspirations. Trust the unfolding process as you harmonise different aspects of yourself.
Remember, the planets are continually realigning to guide you towards your highest potential. Stay open, curious, and willing to embrace the magic that this ever-evolving cosmic dance has in store for you soul-full entrepreneur, you are a cosmic creator, weaving your dreams into reality with every thought, word, and action. Embrace the magic of the cosmos and trust in the wisdom of your soul as you navigate this cosmic dance called life.
You’re pure MAGIC, Cosmic Soul!