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Soul-Full Alignment

My approach in these Guidance Consultations sessions is transformational and evolutive, with the sole purpose to help you improve your life, bring clarity and a better understanding through Astrology, your Akashic Records and Tarot, leading the way to another perspective to the situation that’s happening and how you can change it for the better.

In my Soul-Full Alignment Consultation sessions, I aim to transform and evolve your life, bringing clarity and understanding through Astrology, Akashic Records, and Tarot. Together, we explore new perspectives on your situation and how you can make it better. I’m here to support both your personal life and business endeavors by analyzing patterns, behaviors, and planetary influences to identify limiting beliefs and find solutions. My focus is on healing, clarity, and practical suggestions—not predicting the future. By examining your past experiences, we can make positive changes in your present, paving the way for a brighter and empowered future. Remember, transforming your present shapes your tomorrow.

Please note that ALL sessions are conducted with Astrology, Akashic Records and Tarot unless otherwise stated.


Soul-Full Alignment Consultation

If you’re feeling stuck or there’s a situation that is creating stress in your personal life, there’s a deeper reason why this is happening.
This Session will help you:
  • Align your life to your soul’s full potential, by
  • Taking maximum advantage of the cosmic energies and
  • Identifying patterns, blockages and restrictions that are not letting you express your divinity.


Through your Akashic Records, Astrology and Tarot will unveil the reasons why that situation is happening and then will do the energy healing work to break the pattern and release the blockages.

Book Your Soul-Full Alignment Consultation

Yearly Alignment Consultation

As the Sun completes its annual orbit, a unique chapter unfolds—the beginning of your personal year, akin to a fresh birth. Over the next twelve months, you’ll navigate through distinct cosmic energies, shaping your experiences along the way.

In our sessions, we delve into the tapestry of the past year, unraveling profound insights and key learnings. It’s an opportunity to gain clarity on the predominant energies and themes that will color your upcoming year. This transformative experience comprises:

  • Solar Return Consultation: Embark on a personalized astrological analysis, where we explore the celestial dance of the Sun returning to its birthplace. Uncover the cosmic narrative that will influence your journey in the coming months.
  • Energy Clearing and Blockage Release Session: Bid farewell to the old cycle and usher in the new with a session designed to harmonize your soul and align with your goals. Clearing energetic blockages paves the way for a rejuvenated start, in sync with your authentic self.

Embrace the cosmic rhythms and embark on a year of self-discovery, growth, and alignment with your true purpose.

Book your sessions now to illuminate the path that lies ahead!

Book Your Yearly Guidance Consultation
Soul-Full Alignment for the year