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Unleash your Entrepreneurial Purpose

Ignite your Soul, Amplify your Impact, Align you Business with your Soul’s Calling!
As a driven woman entrepreneur, you’ve achieved success through hard work and determination. But something deeper calls to you – a yearning to infuse your business with more meaning, fulfillment, and authentic self-expression.
It’s time to unveil the reasons for your existence and learn the soul lessons you’re destined to embody through your work. With these transformative consultations, you’ll gain profound clarity, aligning your daily business decisions and growth strategies with your soul’s highest calling.Imagine running a business that’s an extension of your life’s purpose – one that lights you up from the inside while creating a ripple effect of positive change in the world.
You’ll embrace a harmonious life and business fueled by meaning, joy, and success.Together, we’ll embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery, unraveling the threads of self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and limiting beliefs that have held you back. Step by step, you’ll unlock the infinite potential that lies within you as a woman and an entrepreneur.
It’s time to step into the light of your purpose and let your brilliance illuminate the world.
Are you ready to align your business with your soul’s calling and create the fulfilling, impactful venture you were born to lead? 
I have four different offerings to help you co-create a business that’s an authentic expression of your soul’s qualities:

Your Soul’s Path Roadmap

Unlock the secrets of your soul’s journey with this transformative Astrology session!

Your Soul’s Path Roadmap consultation is a profound astrological journey designed to help you uncover your unique calling and fuel your entrepreneurial fire with meaning and fulfillment. During this transformative experience, we’ll delve into the cosmic blueprint of your soul’s journey, uncovering your innate gifts, passions, and the profound impact you’re meant to create through your work.

Imagine the clarity and confidence that comes from knowing you’re on the right path – one that harmoniously blends your professional aspirations with your soul’s deepest yearnings. You’ll gain invaluable insights and guidance to help you:

  • Discover your true calling and align your business/career with your soul’s purpose
  • Identify your soul tribe and the sacred tasks that energize you
  • Understand your soul’s journey and the lessons you’re meant to integrate
  • Receive a personalized roadmap for creating a fulfilling, purposeful venture

Through two sacred one-on-one sessions and a comprehensive written report, you’ll emerge with a renewed sense of direction, motivation, and the tools to manifest the abundant, soul-satisfying business or career you deserve.

Are you ready to unlock your entrepreneurial destiny and create a venture that’s an authentic expression of your highest self?

Book Your Soul’s Path Roadmap

Soul Realignment®

As a driven woman entrepreneur or career professional, are you ready to unlock the infinite potential that lies within your soul?

To tap into a wellspring of wisdom that can guide you towards greater fulfillment, abundance, and authentic self-expression in your work and life? The Soul Realignment® Consultation – a profound journey into the Akashic Records, an unlimited source of knowledge that holds the key to understanding your soul’s purpose, divine gifts, and unique spiritual path as a female leader and changemaker.During this transformative experience, you’ll:

  • Embrace your innate divine gifts and receive guidance on purposefully navigating your entrepreneurial/career path, experiencing greater joy, flow, and fulfillment in your ventures.
  • Understand the core essence of your soul, including your soul’s origination, starseed lineage, and specialized talents/abilities that set you apart.
  • Gain clarity on why you attract certain situations, relationships, and challenges, empowering you to transform limiting cycles and align with your highest potential.
  • Receive personalized guidance to take actions in alignment with your soul’s truth and to amplifying your impact.

Through two sacred one-on-one sessions, you’ll immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of your soul’s journey, emerging with renewed clarity, purpose, and the soul-guided strategies to manifest the abundant, fulfilling business/career you desire.

Your soul is ready to soar – are you prepared to take this transformative step towards profound self-realization, empowerment, and living your highest purpose as a woman entrepreneur or career visionary?

Book Your Soul Realignment®

Soul Purpose Uncovering

Are you truly ready to embark on a soul-guided journey to elevate your business? to peel back the layers of who you think you “should” be as an entrepreneur? To rediscover the dreams, gifts, and truths that make you uniquely you? And then align your business strategies with this rediscovered authenticity?

The Soul Purpose Uncovering a powerful package consultation that combines the profound insights of Your Soul’s Path Roadmap and Soul Realignment®. This is a sacred investment in yourself as a woman entrepreneur or driven professional seeking deeper fulfillment and meaning.

Over the course of four immersive one-on-one sessions spanning a month, plus a complimentary follow-up consultation, you’ll experience the following transformative benefits:

  • Clarity and Alignment: We’ll uncover the true essence of your being and align your entrepreneurial/career path with your soul’s calling. Through in-depth astrological and akashic exploration, you’ll reveal the purposeful path that resonates with your core – one that brings fulfillment, joy, and soul-level alignment.
  • Invaluable Soul Insights: By harnessing the power of astrology, akashic records, and energy healing, you’ll gain profound insights into your soul’s origins, divine gifts, talents, and specialized abilities. This self-knowledge will illuminate the unique strengths that will fuel your success on an authentic, soul-guided journey.
  • Release and Empowerment: But this is more than just analysis. Our sessions are designed to clear away energetic blocks, limiting beliefs, and obstacles hindering your full expression. You’ll release what no longer serves you and emerge empowered to step into your highest potential with grace and ease.
Are you ready to take the first step? To invest in yourself and your soul’s yearning for a life and career path that’s an authentic expression of your highest self?

Book Your Soul Purpose Uncovering

Discover your Soul’s Purpose: the Course

This course is a very personal journey towards discovering your purpose. Through self-exploration, it will give you a road map to help you find your soul’s intention.

Through a series of 5 private 1:1 sessions with Laura, delve into your soul’s desires, gifts, talents, and origins, while clearing blockages that hinder your full expression of light and divinity.

Unravel the question of who you are at a soul level, gaining profound insights along the way.

Additionally, the program offers a 9-module course with pre-recorded videos and soul inquiry worksheets from Sacred Temple Mystery School, empowering you to remember your purpose at your own pace, but with a lot of support from Laura.

Experience deep healing through Reiki sessions to release stagnant energies, balance your inner flow, and connect with your soul on a deeper level.


This intuitive coaching and healing program includes:
  • Over 6 hours of lectures and learning material
  • 14 healing meditations and activations
  • 10 soul-inquiry worksheets
  • Ongoing support via WhatsApp for a truly personalized and transformative experience.

Book Discover Your Soul’s Purpose Course